
Shipeng Wang (王世鹏)

Looking for jobs
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Research: My research interests include meta-learning, continual learning, etc.

Previously: I reveived my Ph.D. in Mathematics from Xi’an Jiaotong University, advised by Prof. Zongben Xu and co-advised by Prof. Jian Sun. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Ocean University of China.


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selected publications [full list]

(*) denotes equal contribution

  1. CVPROral
    Training Networks in Null Space of Feature Covariance for Continual Learning
    Shipeng Wang, Xiaorong Li, Jian Sun, and Zongben Xu
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    Oral Presentation [Top %4]
  2. AAAIPoster Spotlight
    HyperAdam: A Learnable Task-Adaptive Adam for Network Training
    Shipeng Wang, Jian Sun, and Zongben Xu
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
    Poster Spotlight
  3. TPAMI
    Variational HyperAdam: A Meta-Learning Approach to Network Training
    Shipeng Wang, Yan Yang, Jian Sun, and Zongben Xu
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence